For Henry Rasmussen, being the owner of the shipyard, it was - after
his first 12mR yacht “Skeaf” of the year 1914, the tenth
and last 12mR yacht that he could build. All in all, during its company
history, Abeking & Rasmussen built 102 mR yachts: one 9mR, three
5mR, seven 7mR, ten 12mR, 15 10mR, 25 8mR and 41 6mR yachts. Sphinx
was launched on April 28, 1939 and therefore only some days before the
Second World War started. Obviously, the attention was turned to the
Olympic Games, which sailing competitions should take place 1940 in
Helsinki. In summer 1939 Sphinx was sailed by consul Franz Brinkmann,
who was during the “Kieler –“ and the “Travemünder
Week” always in front of all the other 12mR yachts. But at the
Dansk “Öresund Week” the mast broke so that Sphinx
only after the war could participate in races again.
After the Second World War the whole sailing world was in a sorry state.
Also the NRV had lost its clubhouse and almost all of its boats, but
was able to save the 12mR er. After the capitulation the allies committed,
that Germans without special permission were only allowed to sail boats
smaller than 6m. Initiated by the chairman of the NRV those days, Erich
F. Laeisz, it came to that legendary barter deal. Laeisz being a worldwide
known ship owner, whose big yachts all started with a “P” – among
them the famous windjammer “Pamir”, “Passat” and “Preußen”,
was one of the most loyal customers of Abeking & Rasmussen. Laeisz
sold Sphinx to two club members of the NRV, Hans and Wolfgang Freudenberg,
who were not only holders of a Chilean pass port but also owners of
a big wood-shop in Hamburg. Under Chilean flag they were allowed to
sail the yacht. Payment was done with a wagon load of oak, larch and
mahagony. The NRV passed this wood on to Abeking & Rasmussen and
Henry Rasmussen in return delivered 12 “Hummel” boats, five
pirates, two small keel boats, type “Sonderling” and eight “Hansa” jolly